Having broken the cardinal rule of the sirens, Juno must take action to save her own life and the life of her unborn child. In order to keep her secret safe from the sisterhood, she must kill her lover and conceal her shame. Will Juno betray the sisterhood and save her lover or will she remain loyal by slaying him instead?
A Paranormal Romance Story
Juno’s lie has dire consequences that can only lead to death.
***Due to sexually graphic content and language that some may find offensive, this book is intended for mature readers only***
With young Juno’s love for Supay discovered, Juno rushes to conceal her lover’s name. Unwilling to sacrifice Supay to her mother’s wrath—or the vengeful nature of fellow sirens—Juno does the only thing that she can to save her love… lie.
The decision to hide the name of her true lover leads to unexpected and unfortunate consequences. At the heart of the matter is one question: To what lengths will Juno go to secure the safety of Supay and her unborn child? As this spicy romance heats up, the only certainty is that nothing will ever be the same again.
Download the book to read what happens.