The Beginning: The Daemon Paranormal Romance Chronicles, Book 6

The Beginning: The Daemon Paranormal Romance Chronicles, Book 6
Series: The Daemon Paranormal Romance Chronicles, Book 6
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Revelry Publishing
Publication Year: 2014
ISBN: 9781987863888

As preparations for the war between daemons are underway, everyone must begin to choose. Siding temporarily with Apollo, Juno has a moment to look back on her life and figure out how she arrived at this moment. As she sifts through memories of the past, a specific dark stranger stands out. How far will young Juno go with her new love? More importantly, will her mother, Circe, discover the secret tryst?

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About the Book

A Paranormal Romance Story

Juno holds a secret that can cost her lover’s life.

***Due to sexually graphic content and language that some may find offensive, this book is intended for mature readers only***

Preparations for the war among daemons are underway and everyone must begin to choose. Siding temporarily with Apollo, Juno has a moment to look back on her life and figure out how she arrived at this point in time.

As she sifts through memories of the past, a specific dark stranger stands out. How far will young Juno go with her new love? More importantly, will her mother, Circe, discover the secret tryst?

Download this book now to find out Juno’s secrets.

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